Workers Comp Attorney Nassau County

Workers Comp Attorney Nassau County

If you were recently injured while working at a construction site, you should seek the help of a Nassau County workers’ comp attorney from Polsky, Shouldice & Rosen, PC. If you work in the construction field, you likely deal with heavy machinery on a daily basis. These machines help you accomplish tasks faster and more efficiently. However, they can be extremely dangerous if not used properly. Many construction workers suffer severe injuries every year due to accidents with heavy machinery. Because this is the case, our workers’ comp attorney in Nassau County, New York can help. Here are several ways you can stay safe while working around heavy machinery. Take It Slow A common reason construction workers get hurt by machines is because they move quickly. They may be under a tight deadline to finish a project and are trying to get it done as quickly as possible. This can backfire terribly. If you try to rush, you might end up making a mistake and get seriously hurt. If you feel stressed about finishing a project on time, you may want to talk to your boss about giving you more time. Pay Attention A Nassau County workers’ comp attorney knows that when you’re operating heavy machinery, it’s especially important to pay attention. If you start talking to one of your coworkers or stare at some object across the street, you could become distracted and make a mistake. If you avoid distractions and stay focused on the task at hand, you’re much less likely to get injured. Inform Your Boss About Damaged Machinery If you notice that a machine doesn’t seem to be working like it should, don’t just ignore the issue. It’s critical for you to let your boss know as soon as possible. They will get it repaired shortly so that injuries can be avoided and work can be resumed on schedule. Wear Your Seatbelt It’s just as important to wear your seatbelt while operating heavy machinery as it is while driving a vehicle. If the machine rolls, your seatbelt will prevent you from being thrown outside the equipment. Putting on your seatbelt takes just seconds and can potentially save your life. Don’t Forget Your Safety Gear Before you start operating heavy machinery, you should put on the appropriate safety gear. This might include a hard hat, fall gear, and goggles. Safety gear might not look the most fashionable, but it will greatly reduces your chances of getting hurt. Ask for Additional Training Heavy machinery is quite complex and can be difficult to use if you don’t receive the proper training. If you don’t believe you received adequate training on how to use a particular machine, don’t be afraid to ask for additional training. If you attempt to operate a machine you don’t fully understand how to use, you can hurt yourself and others. How a Workers’ Comp Attorney in Nassau County Can Help if You Were Injured on The Job! If you suffered an injury on the job, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits can pay for your medical bills, lost wages and other damages you suffered from the accident. It’s important to consult with a workers’ compensation lawyer about your case as soon as possible. They can help you file a timely claim and protect your legal rights.For more information, contact a Nassau County workers’ comp attorney from Polsky, Shouldice & Rosen, PC now!

If you were recently injured while working at a construction site, you should seek the help of a Nassau County workers’ comp attorney from Polsky, Shouldice & Rosen, PC. If you work in the construction field, you likely deal with heavy machinery on a daily basis. These machines help you accomplish tasks faster and more efficiently. However, they can be extremely dangerous if not used properly. Many construction workers suffer severe injuries every year due to accidents with heavy machinery. Because this is the  case, our workers’ comp attorney in Nassau County, New York can help. Here are several ways you can stay safe while working around heavy machinery.

Take It Slow

A common reason construction workers get hurt by machines is because they move quickly. They may be under a tight deadline to finish a project and are trying to get it done as quickly as possible. This can backfire terribly. If you try to rush, you might end up making a mistake and get seriously hurt. If you feel stressed about finishing a project on time, you may want to talk to your boss about giving you more time.

Pay Attention

A Nassau County workers’ comp attorney knows that when you’re operating heavy machinery, it’s especially important to pay attention. If you start talking to one of your coworkers or stare at some object across the street, you could become distracted and make a mistake. If you avoid distractions and stay focused on the task at hand, you’re much less likely to get injured.

Inform Your Boss About Damaged Machinery

If you notice that a machine doesn’t seem to be working like it should, don’t just ignore the issue. It’s critical for you to let your boss know as soon as possible. They will get it repaired shortly so that injuries can be avoided and work can be resumed on schedule.

Wear Your Seatbelt

It’s just as important to wear your seatbelt while operating heavy machinery as it is while driving a vehicle. If the machine rolls, your seatbelt will prevent you from being thrown outside the equipment. Putting on your seatbelt takes just seconds and can potentially save your life.

Don’t Forget Your Safety Gear

Before you start operating heavy machinery, you should put on the appropriate safety gear. This might include a hard hat, fall gear, and goggles. Safety gear might not look the most fashionable, but it will greatly reduce your chances of getting hurt.

Ask for Additional Training

Heavy machinery is quite complex and can be difficult to use if you don’t receive the proper training. If you don’t believe you received adequate training on how to use a particular machine, don’t be afraid to ask for additional training. If you attempt to operate a machine, you don’t fully understand how to use, you can hurt yourself and others.

What Kind of Additional Training Can a Construction Worker Receive?

Safety is one of the most important things in a workplace, especially a workplace such as construction. OSHA, or Occupational Safety and Health Administration, has been around since 1970 and they offer safety guidelines for all business, not just construction work. However, they do lay special instructions for construction work, to keep everyone safe. 

Some safety training that OSHA has put together for construction work, as as follows:

  • Aerial boom lift safety
  • Arc flash safety
  • Chemical hazards safety
  • Toxic substance safety
  • Construction asbestos safety
  • Construction electrical safety
  • Construction fall protection
  • Nail gun safety
  • Crane, Derick, and hoist safety
  • Ladder and stairway protection
  • Slips, trips and falls
  • Trenching safety
  • Excavation safety
  • Workplace first aid

You can access their many manuals and receive certification for said safety lessons, and you can encourage your entire workplace to do the same.

What Kind of Injuries Might a Construction Worker Suffer?

Every job has injuries and accidents that are commonplace, but some jobs, such as construction work, are more prone to accidents and injuries to occur on worksites. There is heavy machinery, heights on scaffolding, or even being underground in trenches. There are dangerous power tools and other equipment. Any of these things can cause injuries despite safety measures being in place. 

Some of the most common construction injuries are:

  • Falls
  • Electrocutions
  • Falling objects
  • Getting crushed
  • Getting run over
  • Burns
  • Back injuries
  • Repetitive motion injuries
  • Exposure to toxic and hazardous substances

Some of the most common ways these injuries can happen typically involve some kind of machinery or accidents because of the type of work being done. A worker might fall from a building, scaffolding, or even from a piece of machinery such as a crane. A trench may collapse on workers, and cut their air supply off, burying them alive or leaving them with crush injuries. 

While OSHA has strict rules that must be adhered too, there can still be issues. Because construction workers work with machines, they could easily receive electric shocks from generators, power tools, and even wiring. 

Of course, not everything is preventable, but sometimes workers may be injured because of negligence to follow the rules–such as not wearing your hardhat while you’re working. 

How a Workers’ Comp Attorney in Nassau County Can Help if You Were Injured on The Job!

If you suffered an injury on the job, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. These benefits can pay for your medical bills, lost wages and other damages you suffered from the accident. It’s important to consult with a workers’ compensation lawyer about your case as soon as possible. They can help you file a timely claim and protect your legal rights.For more information, contact a Nassau County workers’ comp attorney from Polsky, Shouldice & Rosen, PC now!

A Nassau County workers’ comp attorney can help you determine whether to file for workers’ compensation, or third-party liability claim. You may even be instructed to file for both. However, reaching out to a lawyer from Polsky, Shouldice & Rosen, PC to be certain. Your lawyer can also deal with the workers’ compensation insurer, especially if your bills are not being taken care of. That’s why you want someone on your side, who knows how to speak to an insurer. 

Your lawyer will also gather evidence to prove your eligibility for compensation or third-party lawsuit. They’ll keep your claim moving forward, and never let it stall, they’ll even help you negotiate a settlement if there is a dispute over what benefits you deserve. Reach out to a Nassau County workers’ comp attorney from Polsky, Shouldice & Rosen, PC today to ensure you’re doing everything right to receive the most benefits.

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    Nobody does it better than this firm. Mark and his team truly feel YOU MATTER and make sure all is done correctly ASAP. Follow ups, call backs, you get treated RESPECTFULLY right from the start.
    I had a case with Adam Rosen, of Polsky, Shouldice and Rosen. From the beginning they treated me right and answered all of my questions. They handled my case great and got me a nice settlement for my injuries. I would tell anyone to use them.

    Call Polsky, Shouldice & Rosen, PC at (718) 587-0997