Construction Injury Lawyer in New York, NY

Construction Injury Lawyer – New York, NY
Accidents and mishaps are part of life. At some point, everyone is going to have some bumps and bruises along the way. These incidents can happen anywhere. If you get injured at work, you may be entitled to medical care coverage outside of your regular health plan. Workers’ compensation fprovides payments for treatments you receive and lost wages you would otherwise miss following an accident or injury. However, there are limitations to this coverage, so it’s important to understand who is eligible and who is not. If you’re unsure of whether you’re eligible for workers’ compensation coverage following an accident on a construction site, please connect with an experienced New York, NY construction injury lawyer from Polsky, Shouldice & Rosen, P.C. today. We can clarify your eligibility and help you either file for benefits or explore alternative compensation options if you aren’t eligible for this coverage.
Common Accidents
Some professions are more prone to accidents than others. People who work with machinery and heavy equipment such as construction workers, mechanics and machinists have a greater risk than someone who sits at a desk with a computer all day. Exposure to chemicals or other harmful substances can also increase the likelihood of an injury. Some of the most common Workers’ compensation claim injuries result from burns, falls, electrocution, vehicle collisions and workplace violence. A New York, NY construction injury lawyer may also be able to help you obtain benefits if you weren’t injured on a construction site but your accident occurred while you were performing work-related duties elsewhere.
Employer Requirements
Many companies are required by law to provide workers’ compensation benefits for their employees. If you work for a medium-sized or large company (and are not classified as an independent contractor), you should feel comfortable knowing you likely have coverage. Small businesses do not necessarily need to provide this benefit. Rules on the minimum number of employees a company must have before it has to provide workers’ comp varies among different states. In some areas of the U.S., companies with even one single employee must have this coverage. In other places, the number may be anywhere from two to six employees. A New York, NY construction injury lawyer can clarify the laws in New York for those who work construction here.
Who Isn’t Covered?
Once again, regulations are different from state to state, but in many locations, agricultural employees, seasonal employees, domestic employees and independent contractors are not eligible for coverage. However, if you’re a seasonal employee or independent contractor and are injured while working construction, a New York, NY construction injury lawyer can help you figure out possible compensation alternatives.
Hours Worked
At most businesses, both full-time and part-time employees are entitled to workers’ comp benefits. Even if you work only a few hours per week, if you are injured on the job, you should be able to file a claim. One good way to know whether you are eligible is this: If you earn a paycheck, and your employer withholds taxes, you are probably covered by this benefit and may be able to file a claim with the assistance of New York, NY construction injury lawyer if you are injured on the job.