dog bite lawyer

Dog Bites In Foster Homes And Animal Rescues

Fostering animals and working with rescue organizations can be a rewarding experience. People who open their homes to foster animals provide a valuable service, offering dogs a temporary home until they find a permanent family. However, fostering or rescuing animals also comes with its own set of challenges, including the potential for dog bite incidents. These situations raise important questions about liability that a dog bite lawyer has to answer — who is responsible when a dog bite occurs in a foster home or during the rescue process?

Responsibility Of The Foster Family

When a foster family takes in a dog, they assume a level of responsibility for the animal’s care and behavior. This includes monitoring the dog’s interactions with others and ensuring that it is not placed in situations that could lead to aggressive behavior or a bite. However, since the foster family does not technically own the dog, the question of liability for a dog bite can become more complicated.

In many cases, if the foster family knows or should reasonably know that the dog has a history of aggression or biting, they could be held liable if the dog bites someone while under their care. For instance, if the foster family fails to warn visitors or neighbors about the dog’s aggressive tendencies, they could be found responsible for any resulting injuries. However, it can become complicated if the dog has not had an aggressive history: many factors must then be looked at such as, was the person who was bitten taunting the dog?

It’s also important to consider whether the foster family has homeowner’s or renter’s insurance that covers dog bites. Some insurance policies exclude certain breeds or may not cover dogs that are not permanently owned by the policyholder. Foster families should review their insurance policies carefully and communicate with the rescue organization about liability coverage before agreeing to take in a dog.

Liability Of The Rescue Organization

In many cases, the rescue organization that places the dog in the foster home may also share liability for a dog bite. If the rescue organization was aware of the dog’s history of aggression or dangerous behavior but failed to disclose this information to the foster family, they could be held responsible for any injuries that occur.

Rescue organizations are responsible for properly screening the animals they place in foster homes and ensuring that they provide the foster family with all relevant information about the dog’s behavior. If a rescue organization knowingly places a dangerous dog in a home without warning the foster family or taking necessary precautions, they could be considered negligent in the event of a bite.

Additionally, some rescue organizations may carry liability insurance to cover incidents involving the dogs they place in foster homes. This insurance can help protect both the rescue organization and the foster family in the event of a dog bite. A lawyer would reach out in this situation to determine if insurance is a factor.

The Role Of The Dog’s Previous Owner

In some situations, the original owner of the dog may still be liable for a bite that occurs in a foster home or rescue environment. This is particularly true if the dog was surrendered to the rescue organization due to aggressive behavior. In these cases, the previous owner’s knowledge of the dog’s dangerous tendencies could make them partially or fully responsible for the incident.

However, the original owner’s liability may depend on the specific circumstances of the case and whether they disclosed the dog’s behavior to the rescue organization. It’s essential to examine the details of the transfer of ownership to determine if the previous owner has any continuing responsibility.

What To Do If You’ve Been Bitten

If you’ve been bitten by a dog in a foster home or rescue situation, it’s important to take the necessary steps to protect yourself. First, seek medical attention for your injuries and document the incident, including taking photos and gathering witness information. Then, consult with a dog bite lawyer to explore your legal options. Attorneys like those at The Andres Lopez Law Firm can attest that determining liability in these cases can be complex, and having legal guidance can make a significant difference.

Foster homes and animal rescues play an important role in helping dogs find loving homes, but dog bites can still happen. If you’ve been involved in a dog bite incident in one of these situations, it’s crucial to understand your rights and seek legal assistance to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Contact a lawyer near you for help today.